Promises – Elephant
“Promises” 16½” x 16½”
100 Master Giclée Edition $195
10 A/P $225
Full of the joyful innocence of youth, this little fellow is experiencing the abandon of a mock charge. Still showing a faint blush of color, the peaked ears reveal his very young age. Imitating his elders, he has seen the consequences of a serious charge and is delighted to find a reason to practice his own moves. Ears flared to full spread, he is unable to conceal the elation in his mischievous eyes as he experiences the thrill of his forthcoming power. He is full of Promise.
What can’t be foretold is the future of his species. Facing the ongoing slaughter brought about by the illegal ivory trade, I have struggled to find the best way I can help in the preservation of these special creatures. My lifelong connection with Elephants, beginning with my earliest childhood drawings, leads me to the belief I can best bring exposure to this crisis through my art. It will have to speak for them. To that purpose, 50% of all print sales of “Promises” will be dedicated to Ivory Orphans, Tanzania’s first official orphanage for rescued baby elephants. This is my own promise to you and to them.

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