“What’s New Summer 2018”
The dry crackling of grasses and the growing “hummm” of Cicadas have usurped the rich green beauty of the Texas Hill Country. Having learned how to call them into our backyard, late evening trills of Screech Owls and the pre-dawn calls of a Whip-poor-will now mark the pace of summer in Austin. My morning walks reveal new Whitetail Fawns gamboling through lawns and from my drawing table I can watch our resident Roadrunner as he begins his daily patrols. This is the time of year Texas makes me think of Africa.
Halfway gone, the threads of 2018 have already become tightly woven into a lovely tapestry of friends, shows, and new artwork. For us, the Dallas Safari Club Convention began the New Year as an immediate winner. With plenty of room for the most comprehensive presentation of my work, my booth was ready for the nearly 50,000 attendees. Significantly, the strong auction bids brought by my donated art will aid the Dallas Safari Club Foundation’s Conservation efforts against poaching. As a member of the IUCN (the UN’s International Union for the Conservation of Nature) after a rigorous application process, DSCF is positioned within one of the world’s most influential and respected conservation bodies to better use these funds.
The mad gallop to Las Vegas afterward for the Safari Club International Convention was thankfully done under clear skies. With future dates in conflict with the DSC convention and its upcoming move of venue to Reno, NV, this was our last appearance at the SCI Convention. While sad to say farewell to those collectors we see only at this show, we are glad to be spared the 3,500 mile round trip over the oft-wicked winter roads. I hope these special people will find me at other shows, online, or come for a studio visit in Austin.
An unexpected break between shows came when we were invited to attend the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Conservation Hall of Fame Banquet. The event was to induct the new Honorees for their stewardship of Texas’ natural resources and habitat preservation for Bobwhite Quail. Despite the drought and thanks to their dedicated effort, we now can hear the cheerful calls of Bobwhite returning across the state. As the guests of DSC’s Pres., Karl Evans and Exec. Director Corey Mason, we were able to meet many of the people responsible for this effort. Did I also mention we managed to get in a few two -steps to the sounds of Jerry Jeff Walker?!
Cottonwood Art Festival.
Facing heavy downpours during set-up, Spring Cottonwood Art Festival opened to perfect weather. The enthusiasm of our full tent of collectors and new friends was further heightened by the reunions of many of our previous safari friends. Forget about selling art; let’s talk about our safaris together! This fun atmosphere carried over to the prestigious Texas Masters of Fine Art and Craft show in Kerrville, TX. for Memorial Day Weekend. A distinct privilege to be part of this exceptional group, I loved seeing my Lion piece, “Power Brokers”, appear in Texas Monthly.
Fewer shows should mean more time at my drawing table and more pieces finished, or so one would think. Perhaps because they are more complex pieces, this year’s new works are running true to course at 3 months each. The fun with my Impala drinking water came when I submitted it to facebook for suggestions for its title. Over 100 suggestions and the new owners of the Original agreed with me; the clear winner was
“Beside Still Water”
“Destiny’s Child” was much easier for me to name. Born a Prince in the pride, the future of male Lion Cubs is hazardous on every level. Only one in every eight male cubs survives to adulthood and it requires the strength of the Pride, the cub’s innate gifts, and quite a bit of providence for him to ever become King. Full of wonder and curiosity as he views his world, it is all in the stars for this little fellow,
“Destiny’s Child”

You should be able to tell by now from the hints in this update that my next piece will be Texas born and Texas proud. While I am treading water until our next safari, a creature dear to our heritage is pushing its way forward on my drawing table.
Yep, a Trio of Texas Longhorns will soon be stepping off of my table and into the Frio River. Watch for them.
“Sherry Steele Safari 2019”
Did I mention safari?! Yes, we are in the midst of finalizing and filling our 2019 Tanzanian Adventure. Sharing the best of the Serengeti and its Migration, the Tarangiri with its 3,500 Elephants, and the Wonders of the Ngorongoro Crater, Chuck and I will be adding our 20 years’ of experience to make this a life-changing Adventure for our Collectors. If you are interested, please reach me email [email protected] or via my website www.sherrysteele.net