Tanzania Safari 2019!

BE = Best Ever! You’ve heard me say it before and, yes, it always seems to be true. Greeting each day with joy and laughter as we loaded into our trucks, our compatible and adventurous group often found itself hushed by the wonders unfolding in front of us.
Perfect weather set the stage, our superb guides/friends from Safari Legacy, and Providence did the rest. From a Cheetah leading her 6 tiny fur-ball cubs out of the grass and across the road in front of us, a romancing pair of Caracals, Leopards slipping past us to climb sausage trees, and two Lionesses moving their 8 cubs between our trucks, every day offered up its surprises.

Entering the Serengeti with its vast expanse dotted to the horizon with creatures, our timing was impeccable for the start of the Great Migration. Thousands of Wildebeeste Calves appeared overnight and began to move past our Bush Camp in a steady stream. Even the Ngorongoro Crater with its rare Black Rhinos added an unexpected Clash between Hyena Clans to its surreal beauty. And the Finale? A huge male Leopard, in all of his magnificent arrogance, led us down the road from the Rim of the Crater as our safari drew to its close. God truly smiled upon us.
Safari 2021 is on!
Not just because 2019 was the BE (Best Ever) safari, but because Africa is still withholding secrets to be discovered. Secrets still waiting for me to capture with my pens. Secrets still waiting for me to share with you. I see them, I feel them, I dream of them. Let me share them with you. Once again we will depart in late February, 2021, for our next adventure. Watch my website for more information.

“Point of No Return”
Powerful, Dangerous, Endangered. Close to extinction, this icon of the Dark Continent has reached the tipping point for survival of its species. Awkward and odd when seen in a zoo with its lumbering gait and near-sighted vision, this creature is transformed when free in its natural environment. Fortunate to have encountered Black Rhinos on all but one of my 13 safaris, the need to tell their story had to be done with equal power. Black is the background and black could be their fate if poaching and the brutal international trade in rhino horns is not eliminated. Their future is in our hands. Executed in my signature Pen & Ink technique, every dot of my pens was a dot for their survival.

“Striped Fury”
Blurred by the dust and the fury, tempers burn and flare in the Serengeti. Pushed to their limits, Zebra Stallions explode into furious clashes over territory and their mares. Attempted theft of either one will trigger a battle, especially if it is over a young filly. Forced to prove his fitness, a stallion will only relinquish one of his daughters to a tested rival capable of defending and protecting her.

Upcoming Shows
Spring #Cottonwood Art Festival, Richardson, TX May 4-5
Ranked #7 in the Nation in outdoor art festivals, please check the www.cottonwoodartfest website for my booth number and details.
Texas Masters of Fine Art and Craft Show, Kerrville, Texas May24-26
16th Annual exhibit at the Y.O. Ranch Hotel Plan your Memorial Day Weekend to include a trip to the Texas Hill Country & meet some of Texas’ finest artists. Details at www.texasmasters.com
“Eyes On Safari”, the J Center, Austin, TX July23-Aug 26
Reception date to be announced later. See www.shalomaustin.org
Please note: We are sad to announce that we will not be exhibiting at the December Armadillo Christmas Bazaar in Austin, TX. Such a great venue, management, staff and group of fellow exhibitors. All will be greatly missed. We will always be a part of the Armadillo Family.