“What’s New, Spring 2024”
Who has Sherry Steele and what have they done with her? Looking back, it was a shock to realize it has been nearly 2 years since I wrote a “What’s New” segment. It’s time to catch up.

I have missed you! Sharing my work with you in person is what puts the heart into every piece. While exhibiting in fewer shows has spared our energy, it has given us fewer chances to share our experiences, our memories, our lives with each other. Let’s not allow those connections to come unwound.
Highlights of the Past Year

Unable to resist the Call of Africa any longer, last summer found us in Zimbabwe with a special group of friends. The thunder of Victoria Falls, its mists soaking us to the core, gave way to Families of Elephants surrounding our tents in Hwange. The seclusion of Mana Pools along the Zambezi River, with few other visitors and its stunning sunsets, gave us the timeless rhythm of Africa. There, the solitude let me fill my journal with sketches and my spirit with inspiration. We ended our safari with a visit to the studio and home of world-renowned silver sculptor Patrick Mavros. He regaled us with his stories and his wife, the beautiful Catja, sent us home warmed by her charm and classic Zim hospitality. Stay tuned as the pieces emerge from a remarkable safari.

Keeping my boots on the ground, a Fall visit to the Flagler Ranch in the Texas Hill Country found me tracking Axis (Chital) Deer. Adjacent to the famed YO Ranch, I was guided by the skilled Ryan Balser as the elusive Axis did their best to avoid being sketched. Perhaps that very stealth made the briefest glimpses all the more precious. Finally, an early morning sighting which resulted in “Fantasy Buck”.
The annual Dallas Safari Club Convention in January marked our 25th and final year at their convention. Since 1998 the Members of DSC have encouraged me and bolstered my work with their friendship and purchases. It was a difficult decision made easier by the Convention’s precipitous and necessary move to Atlanta for the next five years while the Kay Bailey Hutchison Center is being renovated. To ease our exit from this pivotal event, so many of our collectors came by for hugs and art and nearly emptied the booth. Thank you, Dear Friends, for making it the best show we have ever had.


Facing the dilemma of the Dallas Convention Center destruction and re-build, DSC will be taking its face to the East Coast until construction is complete. To maintain its convention presence in Dallas, in July 2025 there will be a smaller event at the Gaylord for the DSC Foundation. More details to follow and we will be there!
In March, the Baca Center Art Club in Round Rock, TX, invited me to challenge their members with a workshop on my Pen & Ink technique. This talented group dared to pick up their pens and discover some of the wonders of my intimidating medium. They quickly found this simple tool could be both unforgiving and powerful at the same time. Detail, at the right moment, CAN make the difference between Fine art and decorative art. Sharing some of those secrets with them created a new appreciation for its beauty. It was gratifying to see it open the door to the talent lying untapped in so many of those students.

Memorial Day Weekend will find us at the Texas Masters of Fine Art and Craft Show in Kerrville, TX. Long a staple in this Hill Country town renowned for its art and atmosphere, this elite group of artists, craftsmen, and jewelers will once again be at the classic YO Hotel. My newest works, plus your longtime favorites, will be on display. Plan your escape now, for the day or the weekend, to enjoy the scenery, the wine, and the art.
Waiting to take flight from my drawing table is “Getting Ready For the Dance”. A pair of Grey Crowned Cranes dancing atop an acacia tree will be in progress at Texas Masters. With hundreds of feathers left to be done, a bit of encouragement from you could help set them free.

SHERRY SHOWS: Alert, there may be another SHERRY SHOW in the works for both Dallas and Austin this Fall. Accepting the fact the large outdoor shows are no longer physically possible for us, we may once again produce our own little events. Announcements will be made later this summer about the times and locations. For new pieces and current happenings, please follow my Sherry Steele page on Facebook for postings or go to my website, www.sherrysteele.net for all my images. I am only a phone call or email away.
A Toast to you and the Stories we have shared!