“What’s New – Summer 2022”
Seeking the coolest part of the day and the slight breeze triggered by the rising sun, each day begins with a walk. Not exactly a safari gamedrive, there are still the many neighborhood cats and dogs who come out to greet me and the local wildlife to delight. Arms outstretched to welcome the day, it is the time to restore my spirit and count my blessings. Rarely is the three-mile walk long enough to count them all.
Filled with promise, 2022 began to accelerate from the “get-go”. The return of the Dallas Safari Club Convention was a welcome reprieve from the shutdown of our country. Optimism filled the vast hall. Exhibitors from around the world gathered, anxious to restore connections with their clients and celebrate the restoration of normalcy. Yes, there were hugs, and we cherished every one of them all the more.
In May, the Spring Cottonwood Art Festival once again filled Cottonwood Park in Richardson, TX with its joyful mix of art and music. Ranked #7 among outdoor art festivals in the country, the surge of people filling the park matched the enthusiasm over its reopening. So many reasons to celebrate its return and for once the weather cooperated from start to finish. From there we headed to the Texas Masters Art and Crafts show in Kerrville, TX. Located in the classic old Y.O. Hotel, our group of 22 elite Texas Artists showed the results of our labors coming from the many hours bound to our studios. There was temptation galore for the attendees.
Sherry Steele Safari 2022

“You could expect many things of God at night when the campfire burned before the tents. You could look through and beyond the veils of scarlet and see shadows of the world as God first made it and hear the voices of the beasts He put there. It was a world as old as Time, but as new as Creation’s hour had left it. Beryl MarkhamGlad my bags were already packed, the Sherry Steele Safari 2022 to Tanzania came swiftly on the heals of DSC. This time I had to leave Chuck behind to watch over the homestead and finish filling orders from the show. Braving the gauntlet of COVID requirements, our courageous little group refused to be deterred. Anxious to return to the Africa I love, the impact of the international closure was immediately obvious in a nation that depends on tourism for its economy. Nearly devastated by the total shutdown, the resourceful and optimistic people of Tanzania greeted us with their joyful songs and generous spirits.
Surrounded by herds of Elephants from the moment we pulled into the Tarangire, we were left breathless time and again. Unexpectedly lush and green from the early rains, the Great Migration across the Serengeti was in full flood. Stopping our vehicles time after time for the passage of herds of Wildebeeste and Zebras only increased the overwhelming feeling of wonder at the magnitude of the scene. And we had it all to ourselves.
You would think spotting an unprecedented 8 Leopards and 11 Black Rhinos would be the highlight of our safari. However, having a Cape Buffalo killed within our Bush Camp by a pride of Lions eclipsed them all. For two days the sounds of their feeding in the adjacent bushes kept us on full alert. To round out the safari were two other sightings that are pushing their way forward to my drawing table. The rare sight of a Bull Elephant raising his massive 5-ton body straight up on his rear legs not once, but twice, to grab the perfect Baobab branch out of his reach still persists in our memory. And the peaceful sight of a large male Lion sleeping in a quinine tree as we left the Ngorongoro Crater closed this year’s saga. He is emerging on my table as I write this.
Upcoming Events
Hiding from the blistering Texas heat, the cool calm of my studio beckons me from the moment I arise ’til bedtime. Recovering my rhythm after the rush of “safari adrenaline” has taken some time as I completed the many drawings begun in my journal while in Africa. And the large size of “A Whole Lotta Bull” had me bogged down for a while. Both are ready to share with you at upcoming shows.
I want to thank each of you that came to my “Sherry Shows” during the shutdown of events. Because of you the past year ended as a success and left me treasuring those connections we have made all the more.
- Fall Cottonwood Art Festival – October 1-2, Richardson, TX
- Dallas Safari Club Convention – January 5-8, Dallas Convention Center
New Works

“A Whole Lotta Bull”- The title just about sums it up. Muscular bodies glistening with strength, these Longhorn Bulls glow with power and dominance. While helping friends select Longhorn calves for their ranch, these formidable Bulls made their presence known. As we combed the pastures of H.C. Carter’s ranch in Dripping Springs, TX and BEVO’s home at John T. Baker’s Sunrise Ranch, we gave them a wide berth. Their striking color patterns gave each a distinctive presence and promise for unlimited combinations in their offspring. The culmination of some of the finest bloodlines in the country, these bulls were bent on doing their part in passing the legacy forward.

“Smackdown” – Hot blood and rising testosterone levels mark the rut season. Often losing all sensibilities as they test each other in combat, the rams are unable to resist the challenge of proving their superiority in pursuit of the awaiting ewes. Smaller and lighter in color than their cousins the Rocky Mountain Bighorns, the Desert Bighorn is making a comeback throughout the Southwest. Difficult to spot among the outcroppings and sparse flora of their habitat, it is always a treat when you have a chance encounter.

“Keeping Watch”- Every Spring early morning walks in our neighborhood are sweetened by this Doe and her twins. Actually, there are two does with twins, easily differentiated because one has a stubby tail and one has a limp. They have each borne twins for the past four years. Oftentimes, they even take turns babysitting all four of them at once, leaving them safely nestled among the abundance of Spring wildflowers while their mums feed. These absences soon become brief as the fawns’ energy quickly requires constant guidance under their mother’s watchful gaze. All the while, their Mums rarely rest until their babes can be on their own.
Please check my website www.sherrysteele.net for sizes and prices.
Stay well and we hope to see you soon!