Perpetual Motion I
Perpetual Motion I 30” x 12”
100 Master Giclée Edition $175.
With long tails flowing and white beards glowing in the sunlight, they run. Without knowing where they are going, instinct pushes them to follow the heels of the wildebeeste ahead of them. This endless cycle of the Great Migration completes a 1,000 mile journey, pauses, and then begins again. The sight of Wildebeeste running in a steady stream that begins at one horizon and sprints to the other is one of the greatest spectacles on Earth. Choosing to do only a microcosm of the phenomenon required the span of two pages to capture the motion and rhythm of the marathon in the vastness of the Serengeti. With the Simba Kopjes looming in the distance, there is the ever-present threat of a predator hidden in their shadows. Working in tandem, these two pieces encapsulate the timeless Wonder of the Migration.
Also see Perpetual Motion II