Life Coach – Giraffes
“Life Coach” | 13” x 22” |
200 Master Giclée | $ 195 |
20 A/P | $ 225 |
(6-1/2” x 11”) | |
100 Medium Giclée | $ 85 |
A mother always knows when to give just the right amount of comfort and encouragement to her bewildered babe. Only days old, this little Maasai Giraffe Calf in Arusha National Park gambled around the kaleidoscope of towering adults. With his uncooperative legs still learning how to work in unison, every step was an experiment in coordination. Disappearing into a ravine, he came flying out of the brush at the other end with a Waterbuck close on his heels. Seeking solace from his dam, a few words of advice from her brought a smile to his face and off he went again. There was a big commotion in the bush and the entire herd of Waterbuck came stampeding out of the ravine, only this time it was our little giraffe in the rear. Legs awkwardly kicking in every direction, he was literally beaming with his new-found triumph.

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